A virtual studio where visual and textual exchanges take place by artists and curators based in the UK and Mongolia
/Энэ блог нь Их Британи болон Монголын уран бүээлчид, кураторуудын хамтарсан үгсийн болон дүрслэлийн солилцоо явагдах онлайн урлан юм
My own non-verbal communication. A misunderstanding between the left and right brain causing confusion and anxiety. The analytical left brain attempting to rationalise events to the intuitive right brain. Speaking a different language, they constantly misunderstand each other deferring meaning and interpretation. Language becomes irrelevant, unintelligible, and finally communication breaks down. How would you depict a conversation using only hand signals?
I don't think there was anyone who knew about plastic surgery before we had a transition to a democratic and free market society.
After 1990, the democratic concepts of liberty and freedom introduced to us, but it only helped to develop some of the features of the society. In some ways, it has produced one sided effect but then people will still see those kinds of actions as being part of their liberty.
I am sending these two works. I want to question whether ‘democracy’ is really freedom? If yes, why one’s freedom still depends on another person’s freedom?
The Mongolian interpretation of the concept of democracy means to expose everything which was hidden before.
In my work, I wanted to express these ideas through a person’s portrait. The person illustrated has a look of horror, his/hers mouth is full of people’s desires to look good on a surface and using ‘new found freedom’ as justification.
Photo 1. I meant to make Victory sign, but it is wrong/Виктори гэх гээд буруу хийчихлээ
Photo 2. I am so embarrassed/Би бүр иччихлээ
Photo 3. Heart of sisters' love/ Эгч дүүсийн хайрын зүрх
Photo 4. Fast forward, be brave/Шууд урагшаа, зоригтой байгаарай
Photo 5. Can I become a fox? /Би үнэг болж чадаж байна уу? Photos taken and supplied by Zesee Sodnomtseren/Энэ зургуудыг Зэсээ Содномцэрэн авч явуулав.
In Response to Louise Atkinson's request/Луйз Аткинсоны хүсэлтийн хариуд
With this in mind I would like to ask participants to contribute images of hand gestures that are used to convey a message or emotion for me to produce drawings from. This can be from Mongolian or UK participants.
Та дээрх санааны дагуу ямар нэгэн сэтгэл хөдөлгөөнийг харуулсан гарын дохио зангааг харуулсан зураг эсвэл фотог над руу явуулна уу. Энэ хүсэлт нь бүх оролцогч уран бүтээлчдэд хандсан болно.
Hand, drawing. Louise Atkinson/Гар, гар зураг. Луйз Аткинсон
THE THIRD CYCLE/Louise Atkinson
Thinking about my interest in language and communication, particularly through the use of technology, I have been increasingly thinking about the use of non-verbal cues of communication and how these impact on how the recipient interprets the interaction. However, some initial research into this area also throws up additional problems as almost identical gestures can produce wildly differing interpretations depending on the country or culture in which they are used.
With this in mind I would like to ask participants to contribute images of hand gestures that are used to convey a message or emotion for me to produce drawings from. (send to TSTSendee@yahoo.com) This can be from Mongolian or UK participants.
An example of folding sheet in Origami style, Huw Andrews/ Оригами хэлбэрээр нугалсан цаасан биетүүд, Хью Андревс
I have continued using the current worldwide financial crisis to underpin my exploration of currency. The banknote’s significance to exchange influenced my experimentation with Origami.
Another route for experimentation is to gather photographs taken in Mongolia and the UK and transforming them into a digital image.This new world is likely to take the form of banknote, however in much larger scale.
Comment for blog posting
If possible, please could each Mongolian artist reply to the following question.What level of news coverage is the world financial crisis receiving in Mongolia and is this crisis affecting your country too?Just a few lines or visual response would be much appreciated.